12 Top Interview Questions To Prepare For With Answers

12 interview questions to prepare for with answers

Getting ready common interview questions can assist you with feeling certain and ready for your interview. While each questioner/interviewer  is unique and their questions might change depending upon the job description and industry, there are a couple of questions you can expect and get ready for, for example, “Tell me about yourself.” 

In this article, we’ll zero in on 30 top interview questions and give model responses you can use to create your own.

Below are common interview questions to practice with for your next interview, including best practices and examples for answering each.

1. Tell me about yourself

Toward the start of the conversation, your interviewer will probably begin by getting some information about yourself. They are trying to comprehend your capabilities, what drove you to the job and for the most part why you think you’d be the best match. The key here is making your response brief and direct, including only professional information relevant or directly applicable to the job. Your response ought to be organized as follows:

1. Start by describing your experience with an outline of your most impressive responsibilities:I’ve been a Digital Marketer at XYZ consult for over three years, where I create awareness, convert leads to customers and increase clicks and generate traffics by creating digital contents, using various platforms like email-marketing, social media paid ads, display ads and SEO/SEM”.

2. Then, sum up your past experience in key accomplishments: “…Before working at XYZ Consult, I worked as a website site developer at Blah Blah company with considerable length of time. I worked with my team to develop, analysis and upgrade some existing website with modern technology. Working as a website developer in this company fostered the client support abilities that make me an extraordinary leader, offering a top-notch user friendly application equipped me with the capacity to work rapidly under pressure…”

3. Lastly, express how you found the new job and why it’s a good deal for yourself as well as your goals: “…I’ve enjoyed and grown in my current role, but wish to expand and utilize my expertise in an advanced company. I am delighted in your company because of its reputation and because her mission is in alignment with my passion.”

Tips on responding to "Tell me about yourself"


2. How would you describe yourself?

With this question, your interviewer needs to figure out how your characteristics and qualities align with the skills they believe are required to prevail in the job. To respond to this question, pick one to a couple of individual qualities and elaborate on them with examples. For instance, assuming you are ambitious and driven you can say:

I’m an charismatic and driven person. I flourish in an goal-oriented environment where I can continually challenge to do more. I’m continuously searching for a potential chance to improve and develop. These attributes have assisted me with making progress in my career. For instance, I was promoted multiple times under two years in my last position.

3. What makes you unique?

This question is frequently asked by employers to find out why you might be more qualified than other applicants they are interviewing. Focus your response on how your employment might benefit the employer. It can be difficult to consider your answer in relation to the other applicants because you don’t know them. Employers will understand why you are a solid candidate if you explain how your past fits with your skills and abilities.

Think about the following as you compose this response:

Assets that the employers value include: Review the job description to determine the duties of the position as well as the necessary and ideal abilities, traits, credentials, and experience. For instance, you may emphasize your ability to bring a team together around a common objective if the position prioritizes cross-collaboration.

How you excelled in past positions: Consider your past successes and make a list of the traits that enabled you to achieve them. You might include this information together with the project or experience that helped you win the award, for instance, if you were recognized for your marketing abilities.

Qualities or skills you’ve have been praised for: Think on your traits and strengths that former employers or coworkers would typically identify. Consider the compliments you’ve had from superiors and from successfully performed tasks. For instance, if your employer frequently mentions your capacity for inspiring others in performance assessments, it’s likely a quality that they highly respect and that prospective employers would find appealing.

For example” I stand out because of my propensity for exceeding deadlines. In my prior position, my manager frequently complimented me on how quickly and well I completed my work. As a result, I was able to take on more duties and eventually got promoted.”

4. Why do you want to work here?

This question is frequently asked by interviewers to ascertain whether or not you took the time to research the firm and consider whether you’re a suitable fit. Doing your research and learning about the goods, services, mission, history, and culture of this workplace is the greatest method to get ready for this inquiry. Mention the characteristics of the business that appeal to you and fit with your beliefs and professional aspirations in your response.

Example response: “I agree with the company’s mission to assist college graduates in repaying their student loan burden. I’ve had student loan debt myself, so I’d enjoy the chance to work for a firm that’s doing good. Finding a company with a positive work environment and values that align with my own has remained a priority throughout my job search and this company ranks at the top of the list”

5. What interests you about this role?

This question is frequently asked by hiring managers to make sure you comprehend the position and to offer you a chance to emphasize your pertinent talents. Compare the requirements of the job to your abilities and experience by carefully reading the job description. Focus on your answer by picking a few responsibilities that you particularly enjoy or are excellent at.

Example response: “While I loved working at my old company, there are no longer any chances for advancement that fit with my professional objectives. My skill set and career aspirations are ideal for this role, which also aligns perfectly with my skill set. A personal passion of mine is working for an organization like yours that aids underserved communities.

6. What motivates you?

Employers inquire about your level of self-awareness and check to see if your motivational factors are compatible with the position and company. When responding, be as detailed as you can, use concrete examples, and connect your statement to the objective of the position or the mission of the firm.

To help you prepare your response, think about asking yourself these questions:

In your former position, what did a fantastic day at work look like and why?
What led you to chose your line of work or company?
When you read the job description, what made you decide to apply for the position?

Example response: “I am inspired to pursue excellence in whatever I do by the opportunity to truly impact the lives of my patients and their families. When we reach a successful conclusion that will transform my patient’s lives forever, I eagerly anticipate watching their reactions. I became a nurse for that reason, and I’m currently looking for work in pediatrics.”

7. What are you passionate about?

Much like the previous question about motivation, employers might ask what you are passionate about to better understand what drives you and what you care most deeply about. This can both help them understand whether you are a good fit for the role and if it fits into your larger goals. To answer, consider this structure:

1. Select something you’re genuinely passionate about and explain why you’re passionate about it:“As a software developer, I’m passionate about creating truly beautiful, efficient digital products to make people’s experience with technology memorable…”
2. Provide examples of how you’ve pursued this passion:“…One of the things I loved about my last job was witnessing the results of my team’s code update and watching as our months of work yielded positive user feedback…”
3. Relate it back to the job:“…Having the opportunity to lead projects from ideation through launch was one of the reasons I was so excited to apply for this role.”

8. Why are you leaving your current job?

There are many acceptable reasons for leaving a job. Prepare a thoughtful answer that will give your interviewer confidence that you’re being deliberate about this job change. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of your current or previous role, focus on the future and what you hope to gain in your next position. Consider the following when crafting your response:

1. Select something you’re genuinely passionate about and explain why you’re passionate about it:“As a software developer, I’m passionate about creating truly beautiful, efficient digital products to make people’s experience with technology memorable…”
2. Provide examples of how you’ve pursued this passion:“…One of the things I loved about my last job was witnessing the results of my team’s code update and watching as our months of work yielded positive user feedback…”
3. Relate it back to the job:“…Having the opportunity to lead projects from ideation through launch was one of the reasons I was so excited to apply for this role.”

9. What are your greatest strengths?

Provide examples of your most applicable technical and soft talents in your response to this question. Although it could feel awkward to compliment yourself, keep in mind that this is your chance to highlight your best qualities for the interviewers. Use the formula below to respond:

1. Describe one to three admirable traits and characteristics about yourself: “I’ve always had a natural ability to lead.”

2. Support them with illustrations: “I’ve surpassed my KPIs every quarter, and in the previous five years, I’ve received two promotions. When I reflect on those accomplishments, I am aware that without the teams I developed and the leadership I provided for them, I would not have been able to achieve them.”

3. Connect them to the position you’re interviewing for: “…I’ve also consistently improved my management abilities through 360-degree assessments and open discussions with my team, and I know that my future post must provide me with the opportunity to do the same.”


10. What are your greatest weaknesses?

In a setting where you’re expected to concentrate on your achievements, it can feel odd to talk about your weaknesses. Sharing your weaknesses, however, when done right, demonstrates your self-awareness and enthusiasm in lifelong learning—qualities that are highly appealing to many employers. Think about using the following formula in your response:

1. Choose a true weakness (not a strength) that is relevant to your line of work: “I’m shy by nature.

2. Provide background “It occasionally kept me from speaking up in my early professional dealings and throughout high school.

 3. Give an example in detail: “I believed I owed it to my team and to myself to courageously share my ideas after two quarters of being a part of a workgroup that failed to achieve our strategic goals.
4. Describe how you overcame it or are attempting to do so: “I enrolled in an acting class for improv. I absolutely enjoy it, and it has helped me get over my nervousness. I gained practical knowledge about facilitating talks and presenting various viewpoints. Now, whenever I’m in a group, I usually strike up a discussion with the more reserved people. I really understand how they feel, and once they start talking, people are fantastic.

11. Where do you think you'll be in five years?

Employers can determine whether the trajectory of the position and business aligns with your personal development objectives by getting a better understanding of how you envision your life in the future. To respond to this query, you can:

Describe the abilities you wish to acquire and the goals you want to accomplish:

“In five years, I hope to be a recognized authority in my area, able to instruct and guide both aspiring designers and students. In order to be a well-rounded contributor working with design and marketing teams on significant projects that have an impact on the organization and the wider world, I would also like to develop particular skills in user experience.

12. What is your salary range expectation?

This question is asked by interviewers to determine whether your expectations match the budget they have set aside for the position. Giving a wage range that is significantly lower or higher than the position’s market value creates the appearance that you are undervaluing yourself. Three approaches to this response are listed below:

offer a variety
Make the low end of your range your lowest acceptable income by researching the normal pay range for the position on Indeed Salaries. If you need at least $50,000 annually, for instance, you might give the interviewer a range of $50,000-$60,000. If you are flexible, let the recruiting manager know that.

Example response: “The typical wage for a candidate with my level of expertise in this city is $XX,XXX. My salary expectation is between $XX,XXX and $XX,XXX. I am, however, flexible and open for negotiation.